Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Voice of Suspended Books

Romainmôtier. Did any of you ever heard of Romainmôtier? I guess most of you didn’t know what Romainmôtier is. Is it a name of a place? Or is it a name of a person?

Actually, Romainmôtier is the name of a small village in Switzerland, near the border of Switzerland and France. The whole architecture of the place is looked like it’s straight out of a movie set that’s set in around the medieval era, but that’s not what I’m going to talk about this village. This village have the most unusual bookfair that you’ll ever going to see. Located at the town church, each year there’s an installation made and consist out of books.

The man behind this installation is a Swiss artist, Jay Reymond. All of the installations are made from books that are not sold overtime in the bookstore. The Modern Met mentioned that the reason behind using the unsold books are “a last hurrah for the soon-to-be discarded objects.”[1]

The work of the artist is mostly mimicking the church and the arches that is common in the building structure in the village. Sometimes the artist also mimic stained glass fixtures. One of the artist’s famous work is called Rosace, where he fill the entire arch with books up until the ceiling, but leaving a space where people can still pass by. My Modern Met also mentioned that the artist creates “surreal architectural landscapes that would make anyone do a double-take.”[2]

Well I think this could also be some sort of an interesting promotional method for people in the village to read more books isn’t it? What do you guys think?

Anindita Indriyanto - 1106023505

All images are taken from:
[1], 2 Pinar. "Suspended Books Magically Fill Swiss Tunnel." My Modern Metropolis. My Modern Net, 17 May 2012. Web. 29 May 2012. (

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


 This is called NAIL ART. Not nail art like many girls like, nailing with cute colors but this is trully a nail,made of only a nail. Vlad Artazov , genius man that can create simple nails. This art give life sittuations , expressions , emotion only by create some nails. This art also use space,lighting,shadows, form and space. Hope you will enjoy every STORY OF NAIL!!

all photos taken from :

Fiska Chnadra - 1106127960

Greenest Stadium for the Olympics

Olympic Park, London, 14 June 2011 (2) cropped.jpg
As you all know, the summer Olympics 2012 in London is just ahead. And they built a major centerpiece for the event will be held, and it is called the Olympic Stadium in Olympic Park, London. It is built on top of an artificial island being dubbed as the "Isle of Wonder."
CGI of how the Olympic Park could look during the Games
Artist's rendering of the inside of the Stadium
According to environmental expert Dan Epstein, the 2012 Summer Olympics isn't just about world-class athletes' prowess, but also a commitment to make a change with the environment. Just like the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver (if you paid attention to one of Ms. Diane's animation videos...), it promotes sustainability with the natural wildlife and resources that are found in Canada.
Exploded graphic showing Olympic Stadium
The infrastructure of the Olympic Stadium
The stadium is the first of one its kind that can be detachable, even after the Summer Olympics is finished. The 55,000 of its 80,000 seats and its infrastructure can be dismantled and then recycled for other purposes, and thus leaving 25,000 seats left for permanent usage.

London 2012 Olympic Stadium in Stratford
The stadium's roof
Unlike most stadiums, the roof of the Olympic Stadium is made of PVC, to be made costly as well as part of the dismantling of the infrastructure. The roof is also functions as rainwater collection and it has lightweight steel in the construction. Other features such as the opening and closing of the roof as part of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics, detachable chairs are colored from black and white to multicolor, shops and cafes that are offered in the form of "villages."

Stay tuned for more info on the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.

Satria Rahmadi D.

- Antonymous. (2012)

Inspiring Talks from Inspiring People

Just want to share an inspiring video. This video is from TEDx official YouTube account. TEDx is an organization with a mission: "ideas worth spreading", they hold events that give chances for inspiring people to talk and spread their ideas. I chose a video of Ridwan Kamil in the TEDx event that was held in Jakarta. Ridwan Kamil is a famous architect in Indonesia. He graduated from Architecture - ITB. I will introduce and spoil a little bit about the video, he talks about philosophy of life and architecture. What makes this video more interesting is that Ridwan Kamil is good in communication, he knows how to make things looks more interesting. In this video, he gives some twist in the middle of his talks so that the audience will not get bored.

Here's some of his inspiring talks:
"A stressful city will create a stressful generation"
"We have to be the trendsetter, the leader, and the winner"
"When I design, I have to tell a story, my own storytelling. That is my architecture."
"Creative people in Jakarta needs to do something with Jakarta. Don't just complain, because if you wait for the government, even when computers can have children, nothing will happen."

If you want to know more about TEDx, you can visit the official website or the youtube channel and watch more inspiring talks:

If you want to know more about Ridwan Kamil, here's his website:


Written by Thalita Nafitia Hiramsyah/1106847110

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Next Icon of Indonesia: Signature Tower

Hey guys, did you know that Jakarta is going to have one of the most tallest building in the world?
So, I was browsing through articles and I found out about Signature Tower.

All the images above are taken from:

       The owner of Artha Graha Network, Tomy Winata, has launch a project to construct one of the most tallest building in the world, the Signature Tower. Signature Tower will be constructed in an area of approximately 45 hectares in the middle of SCBD (Sudirman Central Business District) Jakarta. The construction of Signature Tower is to provide the increasing need of public and working spaces along with the growth of Indonesia's economy. It is a mixed-use building consisted of office and hotel with a total of 111 floors. Signature Tower is also hoped to be identical with the best business district in Indonesia, just like in Manhattan, America, with its Wall Street[1]

        Signature Tower will have a height of 638 m and will be the fifth tallest building in the world after the Seoul Light DMC Tower (640 m), Ping An Finance Center (660 m), Burj Khalifa (828 m), and Kingdom  Tower (1 km)[2].  It will also beat the currently tallest building record in Jakarta, which is held by Wisma 46 Tower (262 m) Jakarta[3]

Tallest Building Comparison, Signature Tower is 5th [2]

Elevation of Signature Tower [5]

The construction will cost around US$1 billion (Rp 9.2 trillion) and said to be started this year in July and finished before the year 2020. The construction will be constructed at where Automall now is (lot 6 of SCBD)[4]

Here is the detail of the tower [5]:

Architectural Official Name :
Signature Tower Jakarta

Building Function :
Hotel/ Office

Developer Property :
PT Grahamas Adisentosa (subsidiary of Artha Graha Network)

Architectural Firm :
SRSS Architect (Smallwood, Reynolds, Stewart, Stewart)

Local Architect :
PDW Architect

Structure Engineer :
Thornton Tomasetty PT Gistama Inti Semesta

MEP Engineer :
Beca Group PT HPM (Hantaran Prima Mandiri)

Architecture Information :
Building's Height : 638 M/ 2093 Feet
Floors above the ground : 111
Floors below the ground : 6
Room Hotel : 300
Parking Spaces : 3001

I'm sure lots of people, including myself, would be very interested visiting the tallest floor once Signature Tower is completed. So, what do you guys think?



[1]  Farida Ahniar, Nur.(2012, May 23th)."Tomy Winata Bangun Gedung 111 Lantai". <>

[2] Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. <>

[3] The Jakarta Post. ( 2012, Jan 1st). "SCBD to get world’s 5th tallest building"<>



How Much Does Your Building Weigh, Mr. Foster?

How Much Does Your Building Weigh, Mr. Foster? is a film directed by Norberto López Amado & Carlos Carcas. This film shows Norman Foster's journey from Manchester to a global practice, discussing architecture, why it matters, and how difficult it is to do it well. For you who maybe didn't know who is Norman Foster, he is a British Architect.  He graduated from Manchester University School of Architecture and City Planning in 1961 then he won a Henry Fellowship to Yale University, where he gained a Master’s in Architecture. He is the founder and chairman of Foster + Partners. One of his famous work and my favorite, is Reichstag dome in Berlin.

close-up The Reichstag Dome[1]

The Open-Air Top[1]

The Reichstag Dome at night[1]
Back to the film, so How Much Does Your Building Weigh, Mr. Foster? is 78 minutes documentary film, and released on 8 October 2010. In the website of this movier, written that "The film traces the rise of one of the world’s premier architects, Norman Foster and his unending quest to improve the quality of life through design. Portrayed are Foster’s origins and how his dreams and influences inspired the design of emblematic projects such as the largest building in the world Beijing Airport, the Reichstag, the Hearst Building in New York and works such as the tallest bridge ever in Millau France. In the very near future, the majority of mankind will abandon the countryside and live entirely in cities. Foster offers some striking solutions to the problems that this historic event will create."[2]

In Yatzer website, tells that "This movie portrays how the world of art has influenced Foster and how Foster has brought the world of art into his design. Art, for the sake of the pleasure it gives and how, when combined with architecture, it leads to something greater and more uplifting that the sum of the two. It celebrates the special qualities of some of the most extraordinary structures of our times, and explores what it was that made them possible. It documents the way that great architecture is created, but does not flinch from the disappointments, and the set backs, and even the failures that come with it."[3]

I personally have not watch this movie, but from several references that I read (one of them is from Yatzer), I think this movie is a great movie that we, as an future architect, should watch. How about we watch it together, guys?


Tri Octiviani - 1106127941

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Allianz Arena

The Allianz Arena

In this era, many buildings are built with a unique style, not just buildings such as houses or office buildings, but also the football stadium. one of which is the Allianz Arena.

Three years only after the foundation stone was laid, the Allianz Arena was officially inaugurated in May 2005. The project was financed equally by the Bavarian capital’s two soccer clubs, TSV 1860 München and FC Bayern München. The design is by architects Herzog & de Meuron of Basel, Switzerland. Architect Jacques Herzog has called soccer public opera on a grand scale. Surely that makes the Allianz Arena, which he and Pierre de Meuron designed for the city of Munich, a stage on which high drama unfolds. Its nickname, “Ring of Fire,” has an epic quality reminiscent of Wagner or Tolkien and, just like Alberich’s or Frodo’s ring, the stadium is so luminous, tactile, and enchanting, one can hardly resist reaching out to touch it.

From a distance, the building’s skin resembles blown glass, but up close, the arena reveals itself to be covered in plastic cushions made of ethylenetetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) foil a mere 0.2 millimeters thick, inflated by a constant stream of warm air. No two of the 2,784 diamond-shaped cushions are alike each fits in one spot and one spot only, a feat of mass customization made possible thanks to computer modeling and their installation required the talents of 35 mountain climbers.

Swiss architects built the concept of this work, making the stadium an icon for all their projects, which was a major challenge since more than one team used it as a local field. It is well known that supporters of soccer teams make their home stadium an icon that reflects the character and personality of the team and its fans. How can two teams will feel identified with a single stadium? The solution the Swiss architects Herzog & deMeuron arrived at was as effective as it was ingenious: Light up the stadium with the colors of each team during respective games, which changes the appearance of the stadium altogether.

The Allianz Arena has been the home of Munich clubs FC Bayern and TSV 1860 since 2005. Total capacity of the arena is 69,901, of which 13,500 standing places. At international matches this is reduced to 66,000 seats.

First plans for the development of a new stadium arose in 1997, and even though the city council of Munich preferred reconstructing the old Olympiastadion, they eventually agreed to the clubs’ proposal.

Construction of the Allianz Arena started in October 2002, with a total investment in the project of €340 million. First match at the stadium was played on the 30th of May 2005 between TSV 1860 and 1. FC Nürnberg (3-2). One day later Bayern played its first match at the stadium against the German national team (4-2).

Six matches were played at the stadium during the 2006 World Cup, among which the opening match between Germany and Costa Rica (4-2) and the semi-final between France and Portugal (1-0). In 2012 the Allianz Arena hosted the final of the Champions League between Chelsea and FC Bayern (1-1).

Allianz Arena – Seating

Allianz Arena – pitch

Allianz Arena – Way To The Pitch

- Angelo Spampinato (Allianz Arena),
- Tracy Metz (Herzog & de Meuron’s cushiony chameleon glows with rival teams’ colors),
- Official Site Bayern Munich (The Allianz Arena),